cacao ceremony



what is cacao?

CACAO is known to the Ancient Mayan culture as the 'Food of the Gods'. The active constituent in Cacao is called theobromine, and it also literally translates to the same ‘Food of the Gods’ in Ancient Latin.

It has been used for thousands of years in Ceremony and Ritual as a way of Connecting to the Sacred Plant Spirit of the Cacao, a higher source that can give us a greater perspective on life and help us to see our way creatively through challenges and change. During Sacred Chocolate Ceremonies work with Cacao as in integrative practice and to invite in more Joy and Celebration to our lives.

Cacao is much more than just chocolate as we know it. It's one of the highest natural sources of calcium and magnesium in perfect ratios that are fully absorbable by the body. It also has a type of amino acid called PEA that is a pre-cursor to the happy brain chemical - serotonin.

Sacred Chocolate Cacao Ceremonies takes us on a very deep and transformational Shamanic journey through the directions of the Ancient Chakana Medicine wheel, and through the 3 worlds of existence as they are known in the Andean Cosmology. The Inner world, The Physical world and the Upper world. Each direction reflecting the different aspects of our lives.

These worlds represent our psyches and while there is no one more important of the other, when all are integrated as one, we begin to truly realize our fullest potential.

With focused intention and awareness in Ceremony, working with the Spirit of Maestra Cacao as our ally, we can consciously explore our inner world, so that we are able to reach and access deep healing, revelation, integration and lasting transformation. At the same time remembering who we really are by returning to our purest essence. Tapping into that abounding and limitless source of joy and bliss that is our true nature and resides within us all!

"I have been privileged to work with some of the finest Cacao on the planet in Ceremony, and for me, THIS Cacao is by far the BEST. Its potency, high vibrational frequency, taste, texture and Clarity of Spirit is unsurpassed. Its my honour and pleasure to be able to share this Gift from the Gods with you." -SR

What makes chocolate sacred?

When it comes to using Cacao for Ceremony and Ritual, the type of Cacao you use is of utmost importance. There are many different forms of Cacao out there but for Ceremony there are a few special things to look out for.

Firstly, the Cacao should come in a bag as paste - sometimes called Cacao liquor. This unrefined paste is made simply by grinding the Cacao Beans and stopping before the butter (white fat) and powder (brown powder) separate.

Secondly - the best Ceremonial Cacao should be from the Rare Criollo bean.

Thirdly - and perhaps most importantly - it should be Organically and Sustainably Grown where local Indigenous growers and communities are supported, ethically and generously.

private cacao ceremony

60 minute session

In person - $170

Virtual - $120

What to expect in a ceremony

During a Personal Cacao Ceremony, Sarah sets up safe and sacred space and invite in your Soul and Spirit Team to receive Divine Guidance. Sarah hears your Soul and relays the guidance coming through for you. These sessions are deep dives with your Highest Self.

One can expect Clarity, Direction, Connection with the Divine, Feeling Light, Clear, and in True Alig​​​nment with the Path of the Soul.

For in-person sessions, you can also expect energy healing and Breathwork.

During a Virtual Personal Ceremony, we set safe and sacred space and invite in your Soul and Spirit Team to receive Divine Guidance. I hear your Soul and relay the guidance coming through for you. These sessions are deep dives with your Highest Self.

One can expect Clairy, Direction, Connection with the Divine, Feeling Light, Clear, and in True Alignment with the Path of the Soul.

These sessions are held over zoom and are 75 minutes in length.